Clarity Rapport Product Line

[Pro] [Forms] [Fax]

Clarity Rapport Eliminates Communication Barriers

With the Rapport family of software products from Clarity Software, you can use virtually any combination of tools: either our own or word processing, spreadsheets, drawings, images, and sounds from other applications--to say exactly what you mean. In technical terms, each type of data is an "object"; in practical terms, you can mix data types as you choose because you work with everything within a single workspace. No more popping up extra windows to create a drawing, and then finding out later that it doesn't fit where you want it. Draw on top of a spreadsheet to emphasize a cell ... place an image behind a chart for emphasis ... annotate a drawing with sounds. In short, express yourself without limitation.

Another hallmark of all Clarity Rapport products is the ease of using them with other applications. To incorporate work done in another word processor, spreadsheet, or graphic editor, simply insert it: Rapport products automatically convert the information into a formatted, editable form within the Rapport object structure. An image of anything you can display in a window may be included, using the Rapport screen capture capability. To share Rapport documents with others, converters to all popular UNIX, PC, and Macintosh productivity applications are supplied standard, and are automatically invoked when sending or reading electronic mail.

Finally, there is an effective way to eliminate barriers between platforms and applications.